Plant Inspection (PUWER)

plant inspections

Sitecert Benefits

Backend admin is totally eliminated as examiner creates certificate online directly from the APP.

Field Inspections are faster as Assets can be quickly identified and inspected.

Examiner knows which items have been missed before they leave site.

Data is sent back via sim card and certs available before examiner leaves site.

Your clients can access certs and reports 24/7 from your own branded webportal

All your clients assets are available on the APP, so no more misreading of serial numbers.

Assets can be easily identified by filtering by Product Groups or automatically using RFID or barcodes.

Partial search of serial numbers is ideal for identifying assets where serial number is obscured.

Your customers can access their Reports and Certificate online 24/7 in an easy to use and searchable database.

Sitecert offers Inspection Companies a Branded App which you can give to your customers. Here they can access inspection results and asset lists. It is also a handy tool for riggers as it has all the rigger charts available also

As inspections are carried out faster onsite, there is less downtime of your clients assets.

As LOLER and other inspection reports are available online, it ensures that they have access to a register of lifting equipment, thus ensuring compliance with regulations.

Automating Plant Inspections (PUWER)

PUWER and other Plant Inspections can be laborious, especially having to find the appropriate checklist and subsequent reports having to be typed up.

Tracking the resulting documentation and getting it to your customers on time can be a nightmare also.

Using Sitecert for Plant Inspections ensures that the correct checklist is used automatically and your customers can access the Inspection report instantly online.

Creating specific checklists based on that particular type of machine eliminates “N/A” type answers as only required questions are asked. This is not possible with paper based inspection as they tend to be more “generic” in nature with Pass/Fail or Yes/No answers.

Specific checklists also ensure that examiners do not over look any element of the inspection.

Any defects in equipment can be immediately photographed and documented for repair directly on the mobile device.

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