
7 steps to prepare for Lifting Equipment Inspection.

Although lifting equipment inspections only happens once or twice a year having a plan can significantly reduce downtime of equipment and also Inspectors time on site.

Aside from safety inductions and other standard contractors procedures – we have made a list of 7 things you should do to prepare for 3rd party lifting equipment inspections.


1.       Inform All employees to of intending date of Inspection one month and then one Week in advance.

Employees may have slings, shackles in lockers or other storage areas for safe keeping in case someone else “borrows” them.

Employee’s taking holidays need to make arrangements to ensure their equipment is inspected. The cost of a “call back” for a few items can be very expensive – especially if remote.

Your safety or design department may have some technical questions about lifting equipment, so make sure they have the opportunity to speak with the experts.


2.       Repatriate equipment back to their normal place of storage.

This will ensure that equipment is logged under the correct location and missing items can be quickly identified. Most inspection companies have an online portal for you to view inspections – this will ensure equipment is found in correct location.

Group similar items together if possible.

After each area is inspected – inform supervisor of any items that are missing so they have time to locate them for inspection.


3.       Clean equipment to ensure that it can be inspected.

Worst culprits are Chan slings in paint shops – where layers of paint can build up thus not allowing inspectors to clearly identify equipment


4.       Ensure harnesses are not out of date.

There is no point in wasting examiners time when item has to be disposed of anyway.


5.       Have a clear inspection route for the examiner to follow.

Give priority to “site vehicles” or trucks which may not be present during normal working hours.

This will ensure that equipment will be presented to examiner in a timely fashion and less likely that equipment will be in use when inspection is due.


6.      Have an up to date decommissioning register

A lot of time is often wasted with examiner looking for items which already have been disposed of.


7.       Use downtime of trucks or equipment to remind employees of good lifting practises.

Often when field operators are brought back to base – it becomes a “talking shop” . Why not utilize this time to develop safety culture further.


Thanks to our users for assisting us in preparing this post especially Drew Woodifield in Schillings, Adelaide.[/vc_column_text][vc_button title=”Free Poster to announce Lifting Equipment inspections to staff” target=”_self” color=”btn-primary” icon=”wpb_document_word” size=”btn-large” href=”https://sitecert.net/wp-content/uploads/Free-Poster.docx”][/vc_column][/vc_row]